Fee chart

Quranic studies:


  • 20 dollars monthly
  • 2 days a week
  • 30 minutes class
  • Recitation and reading of Holy Quran
  • Namaz and kalma


  • 30 dollars monthly
  • 3 days a week
  • 30 minutes class
  • Recitation and reading of Holy Quran
  • Namaz and kalma


  • 40 dollars monthly
  • 2 days a week
  • 1 hour class
  • Recitation and reading of Holy Quran
  • Namaz and kalma


  • 50 dollars monthly
  • 5 days a week
  • 30 minutes class
  • Recitation and reading of Holy Quran
  • Namaz and kalma

Quran tafseer:


  • 25 dollars monthly
  • 2 days a week
  • 30 minutes class


  • 70 dollars monthly
  • 5 days a week
  • 30 minutes class

Islamic History and Civilization:


  • 7 dollars per class
  • 30 minutes class

Hadith Sciences:

Coming soon

    • 2 days free trial classes.

    • Classes will be conducted on Skype, Zoom, Google Meet and other platforms.

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